Sunday 21 June 2009

Flowers of Azogires

Sorry for the bit of a delay since the last post but here we go...a selection of the local flowers currently to be seen in and around Azogires.

Help to identify them from any botanists out there would be most gratefully received!


Jenny Neal said...

Here are the names of the plants listed from top to bottom:

1. Dracunculus vulgaris, Common Dragon Arum. This plant is spectacular and grows abundantly in Crete from late Spring to early Summer. It's a bit smelly when in flower but it does attract a lot of pollinating insects which is very good for biodiversity.

2. Acanthus spinosus, Spiny Bear's Breech. This species grows wild in southern european countries. The garden cultivar is Acanthus mollis which doesn't have the spines.

3. Tragopogon pratensis, Goat's-Beard. The photograph shows the 'dandelion clock-like ' seed head. A very interesting flower but not very popular with a particular scuba dive master.

4. Nerium oleander, Oleander. WARNING: All parts of the plant are extremely poisonous; the milky juice contains glycosides that may affect the function of the heart.

Anonymous said...

Glad too see that you are still posting lucky regards from Lefteris